"In Ward-off it is important that both arms keep round, then quietness and activity, insubstantial and substantial can be used to attack as wished.
When the hands are connected, use Rollback to open and the palms to send out Pressing. Push is likely to cause a collapse, both hands Pluck to avoid the opponent to relax.
When the coming force is fierce, use Split. Use the elbow strike and the shoulder strike at will, according to the situation.
Advance, retreat, reverse and lean to follow the opportunity. In this case, why fear the opponent's proficient skill?
As one advances and approaches the opponent to strike, distribute 3 parts to the front and 7 parts to the right.
As the opponent comes to strike me, I get out of the center sideways and recover balance to hit.
By attaining the thirteen characters of Tai Chi Chuan method, the essence and the mind will be wonderfully reinvigorated."
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.
When the hands are connected, use Rollback to open and the palms to send out Pressing. Push is likely to cause a collapse, both hands Pluck to avoid the opponent to relax.
When the coming force is fierce, use Split. Use the elbow strike and the shoulder strike at will, according to the situation.
Advance, retreat, reverse and lean to follow the opportunity. In this case, why fear the opponent's proficient skill?
As one advances and approaches the opponent to strike, distribute 3 parts to the front and 7 parts to the right.
As the opponent comes to strike me, I get out of the center sideways and recover balance to hit.
By attaining the thirteen characters of Tai Chi Chuan method, the essence and the mind will be wonderfully reinvigorated."
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.

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