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Excerpt from 述郭雲深先生言 Report of Guō Yúnshēn Sayings in 拳意述真 Boxing Concepts Explained Authentically

七則 形意拳之用法。有三層。有有形有像之用。有有名有相無迹之用。有有聲有名無形之用。有無形無相無聲無臭之用。 郭雲深 "There are th…

Peintres chinoises du XXe siècle | Women painters of the 20th century

L'art équestre dans la Chine ancienne | Equestrian Art in Ancient China

董虎嶺 Dǒng Hǔlǐng demonstrates 楊氏太極拳 Yáng Style Tàijíquán

惠子 Huizi

惠子(pīnyīn: Huì zi) or 惠施(pīnyīn: Huì shī) is a contemporary and traditionally …

姑且短暂作一休 One Short Pause

欲从色界返空界, 姑且短暂作一休, 暴雨倾盆由它下。 狂风卷地任它吹。 One short pause between The leaky-r…

2354 (on 平常是道 Nánquán’s Ordinary Mind)

before my sitting I fit messy odds and ends in a neat drawer

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