Um tanto de decepção ao sair da exposição da Cidade Proibida no Louvre: um gosto de participar de um gesto diplomático, não de uma exposição na qual eu antecipei tesouros. Obras de pintores europeus nas cortes Qing, paralelos tênues entre as dinastias imperiais chinesas e reais francesas, comparações realmente incomparáveis entre a evolução arquitêtonica da Cidade Proibida e do Louvre. O tom é o da diplomacia entre iguais, o necessário para agradar o diplomata chinês de passagem.
A parte a pintura, alguns belos objetos. As armas imperiais, arcos e flechas, sabres, a espada "trespassadora de nuvens". Mas nada mais.
Ao sair volta à razão. Grande parte das obras da Cidade Proibida estão em no museu nacional de Taiwan, eu já sabia quando fui à Beijing. O estado do poder entre as nações indica que essas obras não virão logo à Paris, para ver os tesouros será preciso um bilhete para Taipei. A bit of disappointment after leaving the Forbidden City exhibition at the Louvre: a feeling of participating in a diplomatic gesture, not an exhibition in which I anticipated treasures. Works by European painters in the Qing courts, tenuous parallels between the Chinese imperial dynasties and French royal families, truly incomparable comparisons between the architectural evolution of the Forbidden City and the Louvre. The tone is that of diplomacy between equals, necessary to please the visiting Chinese diplomat.
Apart from the paintings, there are some beautiful objects. The imperial weapons, bows and arrows, sabers, the "cloud-piercing" sword. But nothing more.
On leaving, one comes back to reason. A large part of the works of the Forbidden City are in the national museum of Taiwan, I already knew that when I went to Beijing. The state of power between the nations indicates that these works will not come to Paris soon, to see the treasures you will need a ticket to Taipei.
A parte a pintura, alguns belos objetos. As armas imperiais, arcos e flechas, sabres, a espada "trespassadora de nuvens". Mas nada mais.
Ao sair volta à razão. Grande parte das obras da Cidade Proibida estão em no museu nacional de Taiwan, eu já sabia quando fui à Beijing. O estado do poder entre as nações indica que essas obras não virão logo à Paris, para ver os tesouros será preciso um bilhete para Taipei. A bit of disappointment after leaving the Forbidden City exhibition at the Louvre: a feeling of participating in a diplomatic gesture, not an exhibition in which I anticipated treasures. Works by European painters in the Qing courts, tenuous parallels between the Chinese imperial dynasties and French royal families, truly incomparable comparisons between the architectural evolution of the Forbidden City and the Louvre. The tone is that of diplomacy between equals, necessary to please the visiting Chinese diplomat.
Apart from the paintings, there are some beautiful objects. The imperial weapons, bows and arrows, sabers, the "cloud-piercing" sword. But nothing more.
On leaving, one comes back to reason. A large part of the works of the Forbidden City are in the national museum of Taiwan, I already knew that when I went to Beijing. The state of power between the nations indicates that these works will not come to Paris soon, to see the treasures you will need a ticket to Taipei.
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