"At birth, the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the nose can smell, the mouth can eat. The colors, sounds, fragrances, odors and five flavors are all natural, intrinsic to one’s nature. Waving hands and dancing feet are within the capabilities of the fours limbs; these are also intrinsic to one’s movement abilities. When one considers using these abilities, how come one does not have it?
The cause for this is that through learning one distances himself from our original attributes, losing the ways of his nature. If one wishes to return to the natural ways, it is not enough to follow martial physical exercises to seek the original movements, as it is not enough to use learning to return to the source of consciousness. What is needed is movement combined with consciousness.
Movement and consciousness, utilisation and perception. Do not apply it unconsciously, do not move without awareness, using the extremes generates the movement, perception of the full generates awareness. Movement with awareness is easy, application with perception is difficult. One must first seek consciousness in one’s own movements, in order to obtain understanding of the body. After self-awareness one is able to understand the opponent. If one is anxious and try to learn the other firs, it is oneself that will be lost. One should not ignore this logic, this is how Understanding Jin is correctly obtained."
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.
The cause for this is that through learning one distances himself from our original attributes, losing the ways of his nature. If one wishes to return to the natural ways, it is not enough to follow martial physical exercises to seek the original movements, as it is not enough to use learning to return to the source of consciousness. What is needed is movement combined with consciousness.
Movement and consciousness, utilisation and perception. Do not apply it unconsciously, do not move without awareness, using the extremes generates the movement, perception of the full generates awareness. Movement with awareness is easy, application with perception is difficult. One must first seek consciousness in one’s own movements, in order to obtain understanding of the body. After self-awareness one is able to understand the opponent. If one is anxious and try to learn the other firs, it is oneself that will be lost. One should not ignore this logic, this is how Understanding Jin is correctly obtained."
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.

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