
頂者,出頭之謂也; 匾者,不及之謂也; 丟者,離開之謂也: 抗者,太過之謂也。


"To go against means to overdo. Deficiency means not enough. Losing means to depart. To resist means to exceed.
One should be aware of the defaults of these four words. Failing to understand attach, adhere, connect and follow definitely leads to failing to understand “consciousness in movement”. In the beginning, if one is not aware of these defaults, he should not practice with an opponent, one cannot advance with these defaults. The difficulty in learning attach, adhere, connect and follow is to avoid to go against, deficiency, to lose and to resist. This is in fact not so easy."

Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.

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