"One cannot relinquish the shape of the body, the waist and the crown of the head, as soon as one is abandoned there is no need to spend time practicing.
The endless study of the waist and of the crown cannot be exhausted in a lifetime, the shape of the body follows me when I extend and relax.
If one abandons these truths, what is reached at the end? Even after ten years of practive, still there will be be confusion."
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.
The endless study of the waist and of the crown cannot be exhausted in a lifetime, the shape of the body follows me when I extend and relax.
If one abandons these truths, what is reached at the end? Even after ten years of practive, still there will be be confusion."
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.
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