"Learning is the system, the Martial Arts is the application. The achievement of Learning is in the Martial Arts. As one employs Jing, Qi and Shen as physical education, Martial Arts yield Learning. The system of mind and body becomes a martial discipline.
Those that are said to have reached the particular maturity of Learning and Martial Arts built the roots of physical training. When Learning and Martial Arts are bound, they enable the ability to store and emit, the foundation of Martial Arts work-out. As Martial Arts is approached through Learning, it manifests as a soft physical exercise. When Jing, Qi and Shen are manifested in the tendons, the Martial work-out is manifested in applications, it manifests as the hard Martial topic. It is the application of the mind and body upon the bone’s structure.
Martial Arts without physical preparation means the system is useless. Martial Arts without Learning is applicable but there is no system. As it is difficult for a lone pole to sustain a house, and as a lone palm cannot clap, the achievement of Martial Arts is not only physical, it adresses everything.
Learning is the internal system, Martial Arts is the external manifestation. It is certain that external manifestation without the internal system misses the true features of bravery of the blood and breath, therefore it gives an unfair advantage to an opponent. In the case of learning the internal system without the external manifestation, the apprentice favor peaceful study but does not know how to behave in a fight, the smallest error will be fatal. If the application of the two characters of Learning and Martial Arts is understood, how then may Learning and Martial Arts not be understood?"
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.
Those that are said to have reached the particular maturity of Learning and Martial Arts built the roots of physical training. When Learning and Martial Arts are bound, they enable the ability to store and emit, the foundation of Martial Arts work-out. As Martial Arts is approached through Learning, it manifests as a soft physical exercise. When Jing, Qi and Shen are manifested in the tendons, the Martial work-out is manifested in applications, it manifests as the hard Martial topic. It is the application of the mind and body upon the bone’s structure.
Martial Arts without physical preparation means the system is useless. Martial Arts without Learning is applicable but there is no system. As it is difficult for a lone pole to sustain a house, and as a lone palm cannot clap, the achievement of Martial Arts is not only physical, it adresses everything.
Learning is the internal system, Martial Arts is the external manifestation. It is certain that external manifestation without the internal system misses the true features of bravery of the blood and breath, therefore it gives an unfair advantage to an opponent. In the case of learning the internal system without the external manifestation, the apprentice favor peaceful study but does not know how to behave in a fight, the smallest error will be fatal. If the application of the two characters of Learning and Martial Arts is understood, how then may Learning and Martial Arts not be understood?"
Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.

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