

"When we talk about the path, there is no achievement without having a self-cultivation. The self-cultivation can be subdivided in three levels and three cultivation methods. The three levels are the achievements. The top level or great achievement, the low level or small achievement, and the middle level means the achievements of sincerity."



"Although, the cultivation methods are three, their achievement is one and the same. The scholarship is the internal cultivation; martial arts are the external cultivation. Education of the body is an internal cultivation while martial matters are external. The cultivation of that leads to internal and external achievement, allows to achieve the greatest achievement. If martial ability in martial arts is gained due to the study of education of the body or the education of the body is gained due to the martial capability of martial arts, then the middle level is achieved. If one is only aware of the education of the body and does not consider the achievement of the martial aspects, or conversely, those that look only into the martial aspects without looking for achieving the education of the body, those reach the low level of achievement."

Based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style.

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