"The opponent does not move, one does not move; the opponent movels slightly, one moves first. One appears loose, without being loose; one shall extend and is not yet extended. The Jin snaps, the intention is continuous."
By Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄), based on the translation by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles (太極拳武李氏先哲秘要) and various translations on the internet.
"The opponent does not move, one does not move; the opponent movels slightly, one moves first. One appears loose, without being loose; one shall extend and is not yet extended. The Jin snaps, the intention is continuous."
By Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄), based on the translation by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles (太極拳武李氏先哲秘要) and various translations on the internet.

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