“Sans travail, sans rien, j’ai fini de vendre ce qui me restait : mon lit de jeune fille, le matelas du lit aux colonnes, la montre de Quimet que je voulais donner à Antoni lorsqu’il serait grand… Et quand il ne me restait rien en dehors de ces monnaies qui me semblaient sacrées, j’ai fait taire ma fierté et je suis allée chez mes anciens patrons."
La place du diamond, Mercè Rododera
La place du diamond, Mercè Rododera
The world will always drift away from our desires and expectations. The more it looks that it is answering to our intimate wishes, the more we will be subject of a deception. Suffering comes from the impersonality of the world, it just is, and the fact that we expect something, big or small, out of it. It is not only this suffering at an emotional, psychological level that we cannot escape. Cold, hunger, illness, pain, old age, they are all part of this schema.
One could say that a certain level of stoicism would be the best course of action. I would say that this is a form of escapism, an individual, illusory, exit door. For it lacks to stoicism a certain empathy, a certain sympathy for the suffering of all those that surround us.
Upon reading "Training in Compassion" by Norman Fischer
One could say that a certain level of stoicism would be the best course of action. I would say that this is a form of escapism, an individual, illusory, exit door. For it lacks to stoicism a certain empathy, a certain sympathy for the suffering of all those that surround us.
Upon reading "Training in Compassion" by Norman Fischer

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