"The actual Tàijíquán practice is in the spirit, this is reason it is said: «The spirit is the commanding general and the body follows the orders». If the spirit of vitality can be raised, natural movements will be agile and skillful and the postures are nothing more than insubstantial, substantial, opening and closing. Opening means that not only the hands and feet open, but also that the mind and the intention take part in opening. Closing means that not only the hands and feet open, but also the mind and the intention take part in closing. The ability to combine the internal and external in a unified Qi, then Taijiquan is complete."
By 楊澄甫 Yáng Chéngfǔ, based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style and various translations on the internet
By 楊澄甫 Yáng Chéngfǔ, based on the translation by 楊俊敏 Yang Jwing Ming presented in the book 太極拳楊氏先哲秘要 Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style and various translations on the internet

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