"Taijiquan makes use of postures as the system and of pushing hands as the application. The beginning is the time to build the frame, the foundation is the most important aspect. One should seek an accurate posture, centered, upright, tranquil and comfortable. The movements must be slow, light, agile, round and alive. This is the path for the entry gate. The student should abide by this order to advance. In this way he is not likely to work in vain and progress quickly."
By Wú Gōngzǎo (吳公藻), based on the translation by by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style (太極拳吳氏先哲秘要).
By Wú Gōngzǎo (吳公藻), based on the translation by by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style (太極拳吳氏先哲秘要).

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