"'Relax the Shoulders' is to make both shoulders tilt downwards and kept down; during practice one should not let them escape up. 'Sink the Elbows' is to maintain the elbow explicitly down as weighing down; during practice it must always bend in a half-moon shape. The abdomen is the best place to store Qi; 'Strengthen the Abdomen' emphasizes that during practice on must breathe deeply through the abdomen, causing it to expand and vibrate like a drum. This is the meaning of 'When the Qi sinks in the Dantian; the inside vibrates.' If the chest sticks out, it will influence the sinking of the Qi in the Dantian. If the chest is pulled back inwards it will cause the heart to be compressed, obstructing the flow of blood. This is the reason to emphasize the requirement of relaxing and open the chest. One should neither straighten the chest nor depress it. "
From the book Bāguàzhăng Practice Method (八卦掌練習法), by Jiāng Róngqiáo (薑容樵), based on the translation by Joseph Crandall

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