圓者,圓滿之謂。每一姿勢一動作, 務求圓滿,而無缺陷。則能完整一氣,而免凸凹斷續之病。推手運用各勁,非圓不靈。能圓則活,處處能圓,則無往不利。
圓者,圓滿之謂。每一姿勢一動作, 務求圓滿,而無缺陷。則能完整一氣,而免凸凹斷續之病。推手運用各勁,非圓不靈。能圓則活,處處能圓,則無往不利。
"Round means consummate. Every posture is a complete action, in which one engages to be consummate and without flaws, and therefore be able to unify the movement, and avoid the flaw of the intermittent concave and convex. It is put to use in each and every Jin in Tuishou, if it is not round it is not effective. If the movement can be round, it is lively. If every movement is round, then one will be always successful."
By Wú Gōngzǎo (吳公藻), based on the translation by by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style (太極拳吳氏先哲秘要).
By Wú Gōngzǎo (吳公藻), based on the translation by by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style (太極拳吳氏先哲秘要).

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