"All the preceding explanations on the spirit, energy intention and force are to be worked at the same time and should fuse with each other. They should not be practiced in isolation, they should rather be unified. If they are practiced in isolation, the movement cannot be unified, hands and feet cannot move as one. In the same way that and and feet need to coordinated, shoulders and hips need to be coordinated, elbows and knees are coordinated, the spirit and the intention are in harmony, the energy ant the force are in harmony, the internal and the external are coordinated. This called to focus, in other words these six coordinations unify in harmony and coordination, to obtain wholeness."
From the book Bāguàzhăng Practice Method (八卦掌練習法), by Jiāng Róngqiáo (薑容樵), based on the translation by Joseph Crandall

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